Summary of ALTC 2013

altIt was a privilege and a great
experience to attend ALT-C 2013 in Nottingham, UK.  This was the second time I had attended ALT – inspire of wanting to attend over the last 5 years – so I really wanted to make the most of the experience to absorb new ideas, share conversations and contribute.

As usual the packed conference programme was hard to choose from, but a sensible compromise between myself and colleagues and work priorities ensured that as much as possible was covered.

I have summarised the conference four ways in four blog posts:

  1. ALTC2013 Summary Part One: A storify of each of the days ‘lived experience’ which provide a flow of experience and ideas (although impossible to capture all Twitter interactions)
  2. ALTC2013 Summary Part Two: A more formal short report on each of the sessions attended – with aid memoir provided by Storify tweets and the excellent ALTC programme viewer
  3. ALTC2013 Summary Part Three (coming soon): Experience as a presenter (3 sessions) 
  4. ALTC2013 Summary Part Four (coming soon): A thematic overview of key ideas and thoughts that both above have generated for me from the conference 

Finally, a conclusion paragraph of the whole experience.  Read on by selecting a summary above..




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