#ocTEL MOOC – Tips & Tricks

A continuously updated technical tips and tricks to getting the most / managing the great flow of information to and from the ocTEL MOOC.

[A work in progress]



It’s great to have your own space to think – a personal blog or even an offline record of thoughts is a great way to give yourself some time to cogitate and ponder!

However, the richness comes with interacting and sharing ideas.

I’ve taken the approach to of using my blog for a free-thought personal area which others can then freely comment on.  Posting in the ocTEL  forums, twitter and Google+ publishes this wider but then further conversation or entirely new ones  take place with these other spaces too. Diigo is a great resource for sharing other resources too.

That’s my approach – what yours?  Please feel free to add tips and tricks in the comments below. (Just realised that Stephen Downes also advocates this approach).


Keeping Connected – Communication

  • E-Mail: The FloodGates have opened (but you can manage it, or choose other ways to communicate!)
  • Twitter
  • Forums

You get out what you put in!


E-Mail: The FloodGates have opened (but you can manage it, or choose other ways to communicate!)

How to manage your e-mail subscription:

1. I prefer to receive just one daily email with all the conversations in it send an email to listserv@jiscmail.ac.uk  with no subject and the command in the body of the email. SET OCTEL-PUBLIC DIGESTS

2. I don’t want to receive any emails, but just read the conversations on the JISCMail website send an email to listserv@jiscmail.ac.uk  with no subject and the command in the body of the email.

3. I am not interested in these email conversations and will stick to other ocTEL discussions only send an email to listserv@jiscmail.ac.uk  with no subject and the command in the body of the email:

More options: http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/help/subscribers/subscribercommands.html


Follow the #octel hashtag


Check ‘Notify me of follow-up replies via email‘ option when creating or replying on the forum as another handy way to be reminded of replies (rather than remembering what you’ve posted and  trying to find it way down the list of forum messages).

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